Our fragrances can find homes in a whole range of product categories from candles and diffusers through to cleaning agents and hand wash.

Our perfumers are able to create bespoke formulas based on our market insight report, your new product briefs or matching a family of fragrance you are familiar with. Whatever the application you can be sure the fragrance used from AF will be tailored for top performance and adhere to all regulatory requirements.

Product Applications


Home Fragrance

Be it candles, diffuser or air care. Aughton Fragrances are able to bring competitively priced fragrance to your product. Our team of perfumers have created fragrances for a range of high street named candle and home scent products. We look forward to working with you.


Household Products

Household cleaners requiring low cost fragrance is a key strength at Aughton Fragrances. Off the shelf fragrances available to reduce your costs in a competitive market.


Personal Care

The Personal Care market continues to thrive showing year on year growth. If you already have a successful home care range why not expand it into the personal care sector through hand soaps and gels? The team at AF are experienced in developing fragrances in the same family as familiar favourites you may have. All fragrances are manufactured to ensure compliance with all the relevant regulations for use in this market segment.


Industrial Fragrance

Industrial fragrances demands are centred around cost effectiveness and performance in challenging situations.

Fragrances are often simple and we offer the option of ‘off the shelf’ fragrance solutions to reduce your cost, firm up the supply chain and perform as required.

Products can be as wide ranging as car cleaning agents to pet products such as cat litter.


Take our market insight report and associated fragrances which we believe are in line with consumer trends. We will design each fragrance specifically for your application to ensure the fragrance is compatible with the base.



To ensure that the fragrance you use performs as expected and complies with all the relevant regulatory requirements, we will test the fragrance in application.



Now you are ready to use and be inspired further with your customers fully satisfied with the products offered. Fragrance is the key element of so many products so by choosing AF you can be confident that customers will return over and over again.